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Global Village

If Ramjas Political Review is about academic writing, Global Village is about academic discussions. We, at Ramjas Political Review find it necessary to adopt the ever-changing mediums of discourses while keeping up and promoting the conventional means as well. 


Global Village is an initiative, where we bring students, professors, and researchers together to a single platform for academic discourses pertaining to political science and her allied disciplines. Most of the discourses in the mainstream media are either repetitive or produce an astonishing number of facts without interpretation or context in a very short span of time. Global Village aims to change that through informed academic discussions amongst students and professionals.


So far, we have had an interview with Mr Shivshankar Menon, former Foreign Secretary and National Security Advisor to India, and a conversation with Dr Amitabh Mattoo, Dean of the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. These interviews will be followed by several collaborative events with different institutions, think-tanks, students of our college, et cetera. 

Global Village aims to bring together a variety of people across all leanings and political domains, and aims to squeeze out all the relevant information out of them.


We are still experimenting with this idea and are happy to receive suggestions over




Here, in the Episode 01 of Global Village watch Prem Ansh Sinha, Editor-in-Chief of RPR in a conversation with Mr. Shivshankar Menon, former Foreign Secretary and National Security Advisor to India. 

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